
    Principal Message

    A child is like a butterfly in the wind. Some can fly higher than others, but each one flies the best it can. Why compare one to the other. Each one is special – Each one is beautiful.
    I am honoured and feel very privileged to be the Principal of PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Sabarmati. I am always excited and look forward to working with our students, staff and parents to make PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya Sabarmati one of the best vidyalayas.
    I believe in upholding high standards with an absolute commitment to strive to understand and improve the educational process, using team strategies, while fully concentrating on students’ achievements.
    We, at PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Sabarmati, ensure high quality education which motivates and empowers our students to be lifelong learners and be the productive members of the society. Here, education is not just the amount of information that is put into a child’s brain but our education system is the one that caters to the individual needs of our students.
    We want all our students to use their full potential. Our task is to make it possible, and our mission is to provide a platform for the same.
    Success for all students is ensured at our school by delivering an enriching, child centred, balanced, and structured curriculum. Teachers at KV Sabarmati are highly qualified and experienced educators who are committed to support each student’s learning experience through quality instruction and guidance that addresses the needs of the individual child.
    Our school imparts value and skill-based education bringing out the best in every child. We focus primarily on preparing our students to be worthy citizens, refined in heart and mind and skilled enough to achieve paramount goals. Our earnest effort is to provide a conducive learning environment to each and every student so that when they go out of the portals, they brim with confidence and emerge as the leaders of tomorrow.

    PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Sabarmati does give high priority to our student’s safety. Vidyalaya also initiates the activities that actively promote safe and healthy lifestyle and contribute effectively for sustainable development and conservation of our environment.

    We firmly believe that the parents are their child’s first and most important teachers. Parents play a vital role in the education of their children. Building and maintaining strong relationships is at the core of my educational philosophy. I value the input and ideas of our staff, students and families and believe that collaboration is key to our success. I encourage you to share your thoughts and aspirations for our school. I welcome you all to an outstanding learning community where everyone is dedicated for a high standards of excellence.

    We truly have a fantastic Vidyalaya with supportive and inclusive parent community, dedicated and highly skillful staff, excellent resources and the most fantastic students to work with. We are very sure that with the help of all the stakeholders and with their unwavering support, we will be able to take our school to the next highest level of excellence. At our end, we shall continue working with you for the best interests of our beloved students and our community at large.
    “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
    Together let’s move along, as we all sincerely believe to reach new heights.

    Shri Deepak Singh Bhati
    PM Shri K V Sabarmati